波士顿Longwood CityView 2B1.5B拼一个女生室友
75 Saint Alphonsus Street, Boston
出租房类型 独立卧室
按月支付 $1700
起租时间 即刻起租
截止时间 任何时候
性别要求 女生
宠物限制 不允许
出租人身份 室友
房源类型 Apartment
户型 2 卧室 1 卫生间
总面积 -


Spacious, beautifully appointed and offering fantastic views of the Boston skyline, CityView at Longwood Apartments presents you with all the comforts of home. Inside, you'll find rich wood flooring, ample closet space and private balconies. The swimming pool, fitness center and 24-concierge service will guarantee that every moment here will be delightful. Explore the neighborhood and be sure to visit its astounding collection of restaurants, shopping and entertainment. CityView at Longwood offers everything you need to live, play and thrive in this amazing city.



  • 加入时间 Jan 8, 2019